
Toast to Tomorrow

Meet the range

Meet the range

Clean G
Clean T
Clean W
Clean R
Clean V Apple
Clean G
Clean T
Clean W
Clean R
Clean V Apple

Why CleanCo

Award Winning
Sugar Free
Low Calorie
Natural Flavours
Made in the UK
No Artificial Sweeteners

Creating cleanco

"I lived in a cycle of drinking excessively for most of my twenties, finding jobs where partying and entertaining was part of the package and was considered a skill. It didn’t take long to realise that drinking alcohol wasn’t necessary to have fun either - I've never looked back, I haven't needed to. You should be able to enjoy the delicious, refreshing cocktails you know and love without the repercussions. We now make alternatives to Gin, Rum, Tequila, Vodka and Whiskey, and are proud to be the leading independent brand in the UK."

- Spencer Matthews, Founder

Read the whole story


Try CleanCo non-alcoholic cocktail recipes, in the comfort of your home.

See all recipes

"The gin from Clean Co was fresh, tasted good and was be the nicest approximation to the real thing I have found."


"I cannot tell the difference between both the real alcoholic and the non alcoholic ones! I’d recommend them to anyone!"


“Tastes just like the real thing! Never looking back”


"CleanCo really helped me cut my alcohol consumption down massively whilst maintaining the ritual of 'having a drink'."


"Has to be at least my dozen-th order; I think that tells you all you need to know! My life is definitely better for a Clean G & tonic"


"My partner was a big rum fan but he stopped drinking. I bought Cleanco rum for him and he can’t stop drinking it!


"As a sober person who still loves the taste of cocktails finding gin alternatives that have any flavour had been a challenge, until now."


"I'm over joyed to finally have a drink that tastes spot on yet has no alcohol, would recommend and will be purchasing again."


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or bar near you

The Clean Chronicles

Have we captured your curiosity? Read on

Live Tonight, Thrive Tomorrow - @CleanCo